Single pane of glass into
fund operations and administration

Centralize all fund operations and administration processes and documents, creating a single source of truth for timely reporting and requests.

See for yourself

Smooth and transparent reporting processes

Connect all fund stakeholders in a single workflow to ensure reporting is completed on-time to the highest standard, no matter how many stakeholders are involved.

Effortlessly manage capital calls and distributions

Keep fund management operations and communications on track with transparent capital calls and distributions.

Take the effort out of sharing information

Prepare materials in unison with service providers and advisors, and share these with investor community securely and easily with a click of a button.

Remove reliance on emails and unlock communication

Chat directly with investors in real-time. Remove the operational inefficiency of email, without sacrificing compliance. Communicate with stakeholders with mentions and notifications.

Popular integrations

There are a plethora of tools in the market today. Don't worry about replacing them. Harmonize your interactions with Capcade, centralize where work lives and where data is shared easily with integrations.

Single source of truth

No more data silos and multiple user accounts to access documentation. Set up one account and access all your Capcade resources for all clients and projects. Invite all your stakeholders to do the same - no more platform changing.

Automations & AI

Efficiency is the currency of the modern finance enterprise. Simplify processes and unlock valuable time while improving the accuracy of work with automated flow enablers and generative AI for document analysis and work enablement.

Popular integrations

There are a plethora of tools in the market today. Don't worry about replacing them. Harmonize your interactions with Capcade, centralize where work lives and where data is shared easily with integrations.

Single source of truth

No more data silos and multiple user accounts to access documentation. Set up one account and access all your Capcade resources for all clients and projects. Invite all your stakeholders to do the same - no more platform changing.

Automations & AI

Efficiency is the currency of the modern finance enterprise. Simplify processes and unlock valuable time while improving the accuracy of work with automated flow enablers and generative AI for document analysis and work enablement.